Human Rights

Stephen Miller, the True Evil Behind Trump, Was a Loner Who Ate Glue as a Kid and ‘Was a Sloppy Mess’

She was Stephen Miller’s third-grade teacher and she tried to warn us about him. Yes, even when he was that young, his teacher could see the worrying signs. But her only thanks for trying to do the right thing was to be placed on leave.

Nikki Fiske wound up being placed on “home assignment” from the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District after she talked to The Hollywood Reporter, mocking the former White House advisor for his weird habit of eating glue and his absolute insistence on being a loner. She taught Miller at Franklin Elementary in Santa Monica. Luckily, according to the Los Angeles Times, her suspension didn’t last long saying, “A veteran teacher who was pulled from the classroom after she described the childhood oddities of Trump aide Stephen Miller has returned to her classroom at Franklin Elementary in Santa Monica.”

Fiske famously wrote, ‘I remember he would take a bottle of glue — we didn’t have glue sticks in those days — and he would pour the glue on his arm, let it dry, peel it off, and then eat it,’ she said. ‘He was a strange dude.’

He was also a serious loner who isolated himself from classmates — on purpose. His desk was a sloppy mess and Fiske added “Do you remember that character in Peanuts, the one called Pig Pen, with the dust cloud and crumbs flying all around him? That was Stephen Miller at eight.”

Fiske, a registered Democrat continues to warn people via her Facebook page about the dangers of a Trump presidency by sharing memes like this:

Her Facebook page also makes it clear she supports gun control and also reminds us that Donald Trump has more similarities than differences with Adolf Hitler.

The Daily Mail notes she wrote “Wake up, people who support D. Trump. His administration is an abomination.”

“Wake up, people who support D. Trump. His administration is an abomination,” she wrote in a post last year.

Miller, who looks like the goon he is, served as a top advisor to Trump and he chiefly engineered a welter of controversial and particularly nasty administration policies, including the entry ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries, and the really cruel policy of arresting parents who illegally cross the border with children in tow.

Miller in 2002 at the age of 17.

It seems as though Miller was a sociopath from the get-go. His desk was a horrid mess, but as classmate John Muller wrote in a tell-all for Politico about dealing with the young fascist who would go on to help write Donald Trump’s inauguration speech. And don’t think he wasn’t a fascist then, because while the classmates sat next to each other, the two never became friends. In fact, the eight-year-old Miller had divided their table in half to mark a clear boundary.

And that’s when Muller noticed his peculiar obsession with tape and glue.

“Along the midpoint of our desk, Stephen laid down a piece of white masking tape, explaining that it marked the boundary of our sides and that I was not to cross it.”

Muller, formerly a lecturer at Harvard said he found it curious that for a child so dedicated to keeping people out of his space, that space was a ginormous mess. He remembered Miller’s desk being “sticky and peeling” with pencils and bits of paper stuck everywhere.

And Muller also remembered Miller’s fascination with glue, making it sound even weirder than I originally thought.

“When Stephen wasn’t picking at the tape [dividing the desk], he was playing with glue,” he said.

“He liked to pour it into his hands, forming grime-tinted glaciers in the valleys of his palms. Glue thusly in hand, he deployed his deepest powers of concentration to watch these pools harden.”

Ewww. That’s one of the grossest things I’ve ever read.


And if Trump wins again, guess who will be at the forefront of many of his decisions? Trump is a rabid racist as is Miller, which means he will be making policy decisions that will undoubtedly harm immigrants and even our own people of color. According to The Guardian, if Trump returns to power, Miller, a white nationalist, will help drive a plan to combat supposed (and completely imaginary) “anti-white racism.”

“Longtime aides and allies … have been laying legal groundwork with a flurry of lawsuits and legal complaints – some of which have been successful,” Axios said on Monday.

Miller and his cronies plan to “dramatically change the government’s interpretation of civil rights-era laws to focus on “anti-white racism” rather than people of color.”

Feeling encouraged yet?

You may also want to read this post from the Southern Poverty Law Center. The information I uncovered here is scary enough, but these facts should make the hair stand up on the back of your neck.

I’m trying to catch up with Nikki Fiske to see how she is doing after being placed on leave in 2018. If I hear back, I’ll keep you posted.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at and Facebook at


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