Politics - News Analysis

Trump’s Already Made Up His Excuse for Why He’ll Lose the Debate With Biden and It’s a Doozy

Donald Trump is already worried about losing the first presidential debate, which is set for June 27, so he’s doing what he does best: Cooking up cockamamie excuses. This time around he’s come up with a doozy. Speaking at a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, Trump claimed that if President Joe Biden does well in the debate, it’s because he’s on a super de-duper batch of drugs. Ones that give you superb debate skills, apparently.

The New Republic quotes Trump as saying “He’s gonna be so pumped up. He’s gonna be pumped up.” And BoingBoing notes “Imagine being so bad at debates that you have to accuse your opponent of being a drug addict before the debate even happens.

“I don’t know—actually, I think it was Joe. Ha-ha,” he said.

Well, hey, who knew Joe Biden was a drug kingpin? At least in Trump’s increasingly jaundiced world. And isn’t this really a case of pot meet kettle? I mean, so many people have flat-out said Trump snorts Adderall, which is actually just good, old-fashioned speed.

Comedian Noel Casler, who did a stint on The Celebrity Apprentice, became quite familiar with Trump’s habits, saying he “crushes up his Adderall and he sniffs it because he can’t read, so he gets really nervous when he has to read from cue cards.” And Actor Tom Arnold tweeted in 2018 that “Donald Trump abused Adderall on the set [of The Apprentice] & it made him crazy. He even snorted Adderall.”

So it’s hilarious that Trump is picking on Biden for the things that he himself does. But as I’ve said before, this is how he rolls. He is oblivious to his own hypocrisy.

Trump’s strategy here is nutso. Biden is almost certainly going to bulldoze Trump during the debate, so of course he tries to use a preemptive strike by saying his successor is on drugs, even though insiders have repeatedly said the ex-president is hopped up on stimulants. He would certainly never consider the fact that Biden will be better prepared and is more intelligent. No, it surely couldn’t be that now can it?

Obviously Trump is hitting the panic button here. He knows he’s about to be plowed under by Biden. Who doesn’t need drugs to do this.

I’m looking forward to this. Any time that Trump gets owned is definitely worth watching.

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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