2024 Election

Lying Trump Implied to Everyone That He Ate Cheesesteak in Philly — Then He Admitted He Didn’t

It was a mild lie, as far as Donald Trump’s lies go, but it was a lie nevertheless. Kind of a silly one, truth be told. Trump, who’d made a stop at Tony and Nick’s Cheesesteak restaurant, sat down for an interview and was asked about his visit at the eatery. Whereupon he gave a contradictory answer regarding the signature sandwiches.

“Oh, that was good. I haven’t sampled it yet, but I will, in a little while.”

Okay dude, did you eat it or did you let it congeal into a gluey mess? MeidasTouch had similar concerns.

“Trump implied the food was good, but then admitted he hadn’t eaten it yet. We have no idea if Trump eventually ate the cheesesteak he ordered at his campaign stop,” J.D. Wolf writes.

It’s considered bad form if you are a politician visiting a cheesesteak shop who orders the food and then ditches it. Lots of folks view this as pandering, which is what it is. Perhaps Trump is too dim to figure this out, and compounding the issue is the fact that he’d visited another location just prior to this.

Wolf noted it was uncertain how long the cheesesteak sandwich was left out. “They are best fresh. Was Trump even going to eat it” he wondered.

Trump scams people regularly, on campaign stops and creates hoaxes along the way, so it begs the question: Does he routinely skip eating the food at his campaign stops? If so, the campaign could earn some points here, now couldn’t he?

Trump avoided eating pizza with the firefighters that he delivered the pizzas to. “We don’t have footage of him eating at his staged Chick-fil-A event. He also ordered Cuban sandwiches in Miami and reportedly never paid for them, and pork sausages at the Iowa State Fair that he never ate,” Wolf writes.

Why is Trump doing this? It’s a sad waste of food. Is he feeling insecure about germs or something? It’s plain weird that he’s snubbing food that’s being offered. Hopefully, this turns off the restaurant staff offering the food who labored to fix the meals for him. It’s a relatively mild lie, but it’s indicative of who Trump is as a human being.

I can’t picture Joe Biden doing this. He’s well known to be affable and I don’t think he’d be this rude. Here’s the clip of Trump lying below.

Trump was seen later eating two cheesesteaks on his plane, but isn’t that kind of weird? Who eats a cheesesteak 5 hours later? Those are best eaten fresh? My guess? Photo op!

meet the author

Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity. She can be found on Twitter at https://twitter.com/GaiaLibra and Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/politicalsaurus


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