Politics - News Analysis

Kyle Rittenhouse Is Totally Broke and ‘Trying to Support Himself’ and Really Needs You to Buy His Book

Kyle Rittenhouse became a MAGA celebrity when he shot and killed two men — 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum and 26-year-old Anthony Huber, and injured 26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz — with an AR-15 style rifle at a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin back in 2020. He was 17 at the time.

Since his acquittal for the killings, he’s been enjoying his status as right-wing hero, appearing on MAGA podcasts and speaking at far-right conferences. He even got to meet Fat Hitler at Mar-a-Lago and got his picture taken with him. Trump called him “really a nice young man.” Oookkaaayy.

But his star-status among the MAGA types hasn’t equated to wealth for Rittenhouse. In fact, the killer (note I didn’t say murderer…because legally he did not commit murder, but he is a killer), is basically just working to support himself. Just like the rest of us non-killer Americans are doing. I guess Cryin’ Kyle thought he would become a MAGA millionaire for using his AR-15 while he was just 17 to take out two innocent men who were liberals anyway!

But alas, Kyle isn’t raking in the MAGA dollars and therefore he is putting out a book. I am sure it will be awful because he’s just 20 years-old and all he can write about is his version of why he took a gun meant for war to a protest that he had no business being at. Maybe he will write about the GoFundMe set up in his name that netted him over $2 millions dollars. Obviously much of that went to legal bills, but it sounds like Kyle and his mother have been living high on the hog and they didn’t exactly plan well.

From Newsweek:

Talking to Court TV, attorney Mark Richards, who represented Rittenhouse, said: “He is working, he is trying to support himself. Everybody thinks that Kyle got so much money from this. Whatever money he did get is gone.

“He’s living, I don’t want to say paycheck to paycheck, but he’s living to support himself. Obviously, as his lawyer and somebody who I want to do well, I hope he does re-engage in his studies. But right now he is working full-time, he is living a law-abiding life and he is doing something that he enjoys.”

Rittenhouse has been open about needing money in the past and previously used an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to request donations to his legal fund. He faces lawsuits from the man he shot and injured, as well as from the father of one of the two men he killed.

Kyle is still facing civil cases from the families of the men he killed. And he could very well lose and end up owing those families a lot of money. Justice wasn’t served for Joseph Rosenbaum or Anthony Huber, but let’s hope their families get some. Kyle has cried poor in the past over the civil suits, and begging for money to be donated to his GiveSendGo, which is like the White Christian Nationalist version of GoFundMe.

And Kyle is pushing is book like crazy. Like this tweet:

Which is funny, because acquitted doesn’t mean innocent either. And laughably, Kyle is still waiting for an apology from Joe Biden. I think it’s fair to say he will be waiting a very long time.


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