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Trump Supporters Whine That They Were Duped into ‘Trump Bucks’ Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

They let these people drive, they let these people have jobs at businesses, many of them more important than you’d think, but they fall for schemes like this anyway because to be a MAGA is to be part cult, part religion. The cult part means that you’re among fellow cultists, and you follow the rules of the cultists around you. The religious part is faith, faith in the man who is the man, and what he tells you is real, and you really need to believe. If you don’t believe him, or in him, your fate awaits.

Darkness. Hell. Woke. Democrats.

This is a crowd ripe to be taken of all their money, fleeced, the easiest mark in the vote casino or the real-life casino. And it’s really funny until grandma can’t send the $20 bill in the birthday card because grandma doesn’t have $20 anymore and has to get it from mom and dad, or someone.

“Trump bucks.” The very term would make a normal person turn and run. The MAGAs came; God (Trump) only knows why. From Rolling Stone via NBC News: [1]

According to an NBC News report [2], Trump Bucks are being advertised on areas of the internet peddling conspiracies to the MAGA crowd. These Trump Bucks look like coins, checks, or membership cards and often have Trump’s face on them, but they are not legal tender — something purchasers have discovered when trying to redeem them at stores and banks. There is no evidence that Trump or his campaign are associated with the purported scam, but videos with AI-generated audio impersonating Trump (or sometimes billionaire Elon Musk) appear to endorse the products.

Ah. There’s a sucker born every minute, huh?

Artificial intelligence. It won’t be long now that it will have to be strictly regulated by the government, or you’re going to see very very real cellphone camera footage of your Senator making out with a 17-year-old at a “gentleman’s party.” And you won’t know the difference. We only hope that the fake is as believable as the 17-year-old, or “Trump bucks.”

@nbcnews [3] We found more than a dozen victims of this “Trump Bucks” get-rich-quick scheme. #nbcdebunks [4] ♬ original sound – nbcnews [5]

And from NBC News:

“Since 2020, when Joe Biden defeated Trump in the presidential election, internet hucksters have been selling pro-Trump products like coins, checks and cards and marketing them as novelty items. The fine print on the websites offering these items usually notes that they are memorabilia.

But on social media and in promotional videos — many featuring faked celebrity endorsements — the sellers have tapped an audience that believes Trump’s ouster was part of a great conspiracy and that by investing in the Trump Rebate Banking System, or TRB for short, Trump will reward their loyalty by making them rich.”