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‘I Will Age Gracefully!’: Melania Trump Says She’s Against Botox and Has Had Zero Plastic Surgery

Melania Trump has somewhat changed her image during her time in the limelight. People have speculated her fresh-faced looks of her modeling heyday seem to have had a little help from cosmetic professionals. And even to this day, at 53 years old, Melania looks very good for her age. So are her looks due to being a rich woman with little stress, or has she had a little “help” over the years?

Are the rumors of her getting plastic surgery true?

Melania’s ex-roomie from her modeling days says she, “went away for a two week vacation” before doing a shoot for a Camel billboard. “Then came back, and was more…buxom.”

“She admitted it to me,” the roommate insists. “She just said it needed to be done to get more lingerie jobs.”

But Melania’s not going along with that story. When it comes to her boobs, she proclaimed to GQ [1] in 2016, “I didn’t make any changes.”

“A lot of people say I am using all the procedures for my face,” she continues. “I didn’t do anything. I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and my body.”

Avoiding plastic surgery isn’t just a personal preference for her; it’s a stance. “I’m against Botox,” she says categorically, “I’m against injections; I think it’s damaging your face, damaging your nerves. It’s all me. I will age gracefully, as my mom does.”

Then there is the issue with her “kidney surgery.”

In May 2018 Melania underwent kidney surgery Monday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center near Washington, DC. Then she more or less disappears for almost a month.

But many people doubted that story, and there were rumors that she had breast enhancement, not kidney surgery.

Donald Trump denied it, and surprise surprise, lashed out at the media over it:

So let’s take a look at Melania and whether she’s had any work done to her face. I’ll present the photo evidence and let you decide:

Melania in 1987

Way back in 1987, Melania (born Melanija) was a fresh-faced 17-year-old hoping to launch a modeling career. Her eyes were a lot more wide-open here, and her nose more prominent.

Melania in 1999

Fast-forward to 1999, and Melania was sporting a lighter hair color and skinnier brows. She was 29 here, and I think this was still her original nose. The lips, I’m not sure about—the top one looks especially plump, but Restylane injections were far from mainstream back then. Once again, her eyes are larger here than they appear now.

Melania in 2001

It was back to brown hair in 2001, but Melania kept the ultra-thin brows. The way her cheeks jut out looks so much like Restylane, as do her plump, glossy lips—but this was 15 years ago, and she was only 31 at the time.

Melania in 2004

This is the photo where I think Melania looked the prettiest. The warm caramel hair color really suits her complexion, and the light, bronzey makeup is super-flattering. (Notice the lighter touch on the eyes, compared to how she wears her makeup now.) I suspect by this time, she had probably altered her nose.

Melania in 2005

The hair color and bronzer stuck around through 2005, with the addition of a deep spray tan. This is the first photo where we can see Melania’s teeth, which I doubt were that bright white and uniformly-sized without the help of a dentist. But there’s movement around her eyes, and a natural hollow underneath them, so I don’t think she had touched that area so far (she was 35 here)

Melania in 2008

In 2008, Melania started adopting the same squint as her husband. A photographer once told me that squinting is a good way to pose when you get your picture taken, if you’re prone to the crazy-eyed, “deer in headlights” look. So that may be what’s happening here and not some surgical facelift (note how her cheeks are more flat, too). This is also when Melania began wearing heavy eye makeup and liner in her waterlines, which no doubt closes off her already small eyes. You can see the difference in her nose here, compared to 1999.

Melania in 2009

Now we’re in 2009, and I can’t imagine that Melania, at age 39, wouldn’t be dabbling with injectables. Her cheeks look more plump and her under-eye area more full than the photo from four years before. That just doesn’t happen as you age. It also looks like Botox might’ve been injected in her forehead and around the lips (and is preventing her from naturally smiling).

Melania in 2010

What jumps out most in this 2010 photo are Melania’s incredibly sculpted cheeks. Funny how they’re even more prominent here than back in 2001! Dermatologists commonly inject filler there to try to “lift” the face, but I think it rarely looks natural—that’s what is contributing to the feline look of her eyes. Her lips look thinner, indicating she was probably using injections there, too.

Melania in 2011

The thing about injections is that they can look a million times better once they “settle,” and this 2011 photo is a great example of that. Melania was 41 in this photo, and her face doesn’t look quite as tight here. Notice how her lips are fuller again, a telltale sign of Restylane use.

Melania in 2016

That brings us to the Melania we saw when her repugnant husband became president, and a Melania who looks, once more, like she’s dabbling in cosmetic procedures. Her forehead is completely line-free, her eye area looks “pulled,” and her cheeks inflated. I also think she’s getting lip injections, at least in the top lip. Her heavily contoured nose is exaggerating its altered, thinner shape.

Melania may insist she is “all-natural,” but I think these photos tell a different story. That said, a photo from this summer does show some age, and perhaps it’s due to all the stress from her husband’s 91 charges. Take a look:

You can see above that her jowls are more prominent, and skin is starting to sag. Her cheeks in general look very saggy, so either she is not using injectables, or she is seriously due for a touch up. But the rest of her face, what you can see of it, looks good. Her forehead is as smooth as can be, and that’s usually the first area where women start to see wrinkles.

“Her face has a stony look from being overfilled and over-Botoxed,” Dr. Franklin Rose, a plastic surgeon, told Life & Style [4]. “Melania’s forehead is as smooth as a baby’s rear end, so she’s had liberal amounts of Botox for sure. Her cheeks, along with the nasolabial lines between the nose and corners of the mouth, likely have fillers. [Her rhinoplasty] is a beautiful job. Whoever is treating her now is just a little overzealous with the injectables.”

If true, it’s not like she’s the only woman to deny getting cosmetic procedures. But it can’t be easy being Melania Trump—her husband famously told Esquire in 1991, “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media writes as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

What do you think?