Politics - News Analysis

Insiders Reveal What Melania Trump Really Thinks About Her Husband’s Mugshot

Melania Trump has been weathering the storm pretty well when it comes to Donald Trump’s four indictments in four different states. She’s kept a pretty low profile, speaking up for him only when necessary or when she’s directly mentioned.

According to a source close to the family, she’s doing much the same after the release of his mugshot following his booking into the Fulton County Jail in Georgia.

“Melania knows who her husband is, and while she deplores the indictments as much as her husband, she wouldn’t be surprised by his mug shot or make comments about it.”

That’s from a quote given to People magazine. Another source inside the Trumps’ social circle says much the same:

“Melania is busy with her son and family and she pays only so much attention to these issues which captivate the media. Of course these criminal charges are embarrassing to Melania and to Donald, but life goes on and each reacts to stress in different ways.”

In fact, Melania seems to understand something that even many of Trump’s followers don’t. He is like a toddler, and any attention is good to him, even if it’s bad. “She also knows he loves to be the center of attention whether the subject is good or bad. He has been this way since the day she met him,” says the source.

But Melania has a life outside of her husband’s legal woes, including a 17-year-old son and family she’s been close with since they came to America. She may be just the kind of person who thrives in a place like Palm Beach, Florida. But nobody’s really equipped to deal with all of that and their husband being the first ex-president to ever be booked into jail in American history.

Seemingly insisting that Melania is a strong, independent woman, the insider told People:

“She would not stand in a circle of people she knows and openly comment on the lawsuits or the mug shot. She will have her way of dealing with this and anything else publicly when she feels like it.”

The source went on saying Melania sees the mug shot as a giant F-U to his enemies. Classy.

“Melania hates all of the legal problems but understands how her husband uses adversity to his advantage,” the source says. “She knows the mug shot is sending both a f— you message to his enemies as well as a kiss to his flock.”

That’s all well and good. But to quote the inimitable Melania Trump…

“I don’t really care, do u?”


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