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Trump Posts That He’s the ‘Best Looking President in US History’ and Makes Snarky Remark About Biden

Looks like Donald Trump is having a bad day and needs a little love from his supporters. Whenever Trump is feeling worried, or scared, or sad, he always reposts memes from his supporters that hype him up.

Like today he’s posted these beauties:

And of course he has to post something QAnon related, to keep the crazies happy and engaged:

And this is just hysterical, I literally can’t believe Trump posts these with a straight face. Do you think he actually believes this?

Here’s one calling himself the Most Valuable President. MAKE IT STOP!

But the one that made me laugh the hardest was one Trump posted saying he’s the best looking president in US history. Now, this is simply not true. I think if a poll was done, most Americans would choose John F. Kennedy. He was young, and had those all-American good looks that would put him at the top of the list. Then of course there’s Barack Obama, who is very good looking, with a smile that just lights up a room.

But Trump?

This guy?

You have GOT to be kidding me. But nope…Trump indeed posted it, take a look:

I love how the person who made the meme chose a photo that is probably 40 years old, because that was the only time in his life when Trump could’ve been considered handsome. Long before he started wearing orange makeup and dying his hair that hideous shade of yellow/orange depending on the day. His daughter Ivanka once told a friend [1] that Trump uses Just for Men to cover his white/gray hair, and the resulting color is because Trump is impatient and removes the dye too quickly.

That was also before his famous combover came into existence. According to Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” Trump received a scalp-reduction surgery and uses an elaborate combing method to achieve the combover look:

“An absolutely clean pate — a contained island after scalp-reduction surgery — surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”

So, most handsome president in history, I don’t think so!

And what is with the jab about Biden? Biden is a very handsome man. He’s 79, so older, but when he was younger he was very handsome, even as he lost his hair.

Let’s be honest, Trump is scared. He knows time is almost up and he needs a narcissistic boost to get him through this Monday, and this is how he does it. Pathetic.