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Marjorie ‘Peach Tree Dish’ Taylor Greene Just Humiliated Herself Again While Trying to Slam Biden

Oh Marj, a wordsmith you are not.

First there was “gazpacho” police. Remember that one? Of all people who should know about the Gestapo, it’s good ol’ Marj. But I guess education and reading isn’t her strong suit.

Then there was the time she made a conspiratorial claim about Democrats and “fake meat,” which she says is manufactured in a “peach tree dish.” Obviously she meant Petri dish, but again, I doubt Marjorie was top in her AP Chemistry class.

Now, Marjorie is claiming that the Biden family is a “crime syndincant.” Is that the opposite of a crime syndincan? Again, this nutty lady meant crime syndicate, again, a word she should know since her Dear Leader basically has run once most of his life.

Marj was appearing on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom podcast/show when she made the flub, which was quickly picked up by one of our favorite people on Twitter, Ron Filipkowski [1].

As you’d imagine, Twitter had a field day: