Politics - News Analysis

Louisiana to Criminalize Ordering Abortion Pills by Mail, Imprison Providers and Close All Clinics

We are going to set out the story and then provide readers and their daughters/granddaughters with some very needed advice.

First, from the Baton Rouge Advocate:

The Louisiana House approved two anti-abortion bills that restricts access to abortions in preparation for the expected U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade after nearly half a century.

One bill criminalizes selling abortion pills through the mail. The second measure would immediately close all abortion clinics, criminalize most pregnancy termination actions, and send physicians who perform the procedures to prison.

Both bills – Senate Bill 342 and Senate Bill 388 – were passed overwhelmingly by a Louisiana House that rarely has voted against an anti-abortion measure over the years.

So that is the new landscape.

Let me put my attorney hat on for a moment. These laws are set up to go into effect the moment that the SCOTUS decision comes down. Whether the scope of the law is constitutional or not, and whether it’ll ultimately be decided after long court battles, will not help the 16-year-old who is the first one caught ordering “Plan B” or any of the other abortifacients online. And yet some young women (and women generally) will end up having to order these medications. They must protect themselves.

First, remember that the “E” in “Email” stands for “evidence.” “T” in “text” stands for “tips.” Teen and college girls, especially, tend to text or email their friends about everything. When it comes to this subject, STOP, altogether. Always call friends or, better, obviously, talk in person.

Second: If a police officer, postal inspector (Yes, they’re cops), or anyone investigating, asks to see your phone or device, say “NO” unless they have a warrant to obtain it. Indeed, if any law enforcement officer asks to see a device, say no, and at that point end all conversation by saying you wish to speak to a lawyer. Never, ever, ever, think that your cooperation will help the cops be lenient with you. Be nice. Blame your pretend lawyer uncle. “My uncle made me promise to always stay quiet and call a lawyer. I don’t like it. But I’m not going to talk.” Perfect.

Third, if one is going to do online searches, try to do so at a library or some other public place. Do not use your own device if at all possible. If you cannot use a public search engine, use a friend’s device, preferably a man’s, whether it be a friend’s dad, or just someone not readily associated with you. Sad as it is, the police will be less likely to harass a man about it.

Fourth, obviously, if possible, have someone from a legal state actually pay the company directly, and reimburse that person with cash if at all possible. It is legal to mail cash even if the USPS acts like it is not, it is. Just use caution.

Sadly, also know that if you are helping a friend go about any of this, you – too, can be prosecuted as a conspirator.

It is so sad.

Beyond that, we cannot give advice as to how to commit a crime. All we can do is give people knowledge as to the difficulties young girls and women might face. They are very serious about this and will want to set examples. It doesn’t matter how many times young people may have sexted, or ordered MJ from their friends in Colorado and gotten away with it. There will be a real push when these laws go into effect (if they do) to set examples and strike fear through the hearts of women.

Act accordingly.

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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