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Trump Absolutely Explodes in Statement After the NYT’s Paul Krugman Calls Him a Chump, ‘Apologize Paul!’

Where the hell did this come from? What exactly was Trump thinking about when he decided he needed to put out a statement about advice Paul Krugman gave in 2016? We are going to guess that it had something to do with the fact that Trump just read Krugman’s story from Tuesday, in which Krugman wrote about Trump bragging that he got the Chinese to pledge to buy another $200 billion in U.S. goods and services by the end of 2021…

Um, but like most Trump deals, it didn’t work and Trump didn’t deliver. From Paul Krugman (Nobel Laureate) in Tuesday’s column:

Now, Chad Bown of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, who has been the go-to source on the trade war from the beginning, has a final assessment [1] of that deal. And it turns out to have been a complete flop: “China bought none of the additional $200 billion of exports Trump’s deal had promised.

So Trump was a chump; the Chinese took him to the cleaners. But if you want to do a post-mortem on the trade war, Trump’s haplessness in dealing with foreign leaders is actually a minor part of the story. Far more important is the fact that the shocks we’ve been experiencing since the pandemic began make the Trumpian view of trade look even more economically foolish than it did when he took office.

Trump may be a bit behind in his reading, what with making new plans to attend depositions and perhaps just saw the column? That is our guess. Why else would Trump come out with this kind of presidential temper-tantrum explosion:

“Remember when Paul Krugman, the highly overrated op-ed columnist for the New York Times, told everybody to get out of the stock market fast and completely after I was elected President in 2016. Anybody that took this losers advice would have approximately one-third of the money they have right now—or even less assuming bad investments.

The New York Times probably told him what to say because nobody could be so dumb, and nobody has attacked their credibility like me. They are truly Fake News. They got a Pulitzer Prize for Russia, Russia, Russia, and it turned out to be a total scam.

The Pulitzer Committee, which has no credibility left anyway, should demand all of the Russia, Russia, Russia prizes back because the facts were the exact opposite.

Likewise, Krugman, should apologize to all of those people that followed his advice and lost a fortune doing so. Maybe they should all get together and sue him for what they have lost. Apologize, Paul!”

So, Paul Krugman calls a former president a “chump” because China rolled him and Trump calls Krugman names and attacks the New York Times. Trump is so over the top with his emotional rage that he forgot to say anything about the China deal. In effect, admitting that China did get the best of him.

Oh, and to the extent that Trump wants everyone to believe that there was never anything to “Russia, Russia, Russia.” see the Republican Senate Intelligence report, in which it states that Paul Manafort handed critical campaign intelligence directly to someone with known Kremlin associations.

Only in Trump’s mind is there no “Russia, Russia, Russia.”


[email protected] with Nicole Hickman