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Trumps Wants His Supporters to Carry Loyalty ‘Trump Cards’ that Look Very Similar to Nazi Cards

It will take years for us to realize how close we came, or appreciate how close we still are, to having been overrun by a man who believed that Hitler “did a lot of good things,” a man his ex-wife recalled keeping a book with a collection of Hitler’s speeches beside his bed, a man who admired Putin, MBS, and Kim Jong-Un, more than Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, and Shnizo Abe.

We knew that Trump represented a new threat, a different kind of threat, than we’d ever seen in the United States, and that was long before January 6th. We knew in 2015 that his primary platform – to the extent he had a platform – was that he was willing to hate the people the Tea Party hated as much or more than they hated us, he would make hating them the platform, “owning the libs” would be a reason to vote for him, and they could talk about it.

It was a cult of personality, build in part by religion, in part by nationalism, and in part by racism, and history teaches that combinations of that type never come to a good end. Speaking of ends, we’re not at the end yet. Trump wants his supporters to carry cards around. It may just be a way to make money, it may be something far more nefarious. It may be identification if one is needed later on.

Look at the card, and look at the Nazi card, and feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up a little. No “President” (especially an ex-president, that lost, for god’s sake) ever made a card, they quickly tried to become elder statesman that everyone loved. Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush largely succeeded post-presidency. What makes Trump so different? He still has plans.

Someone needs to explain three things to us: 1) Whose idea was this? 2) Why were these considered needed, and 3) if there were not purposefully meant to look like Nazi cards, isn’t it someone’s job to check and make sure that they’re not in any way offensive? Especially not the most offensive type?

We don’t know. But we will follow up with answers. Because, if you recall, this is not the first time Trump put out symbols that seemed reminiscent of Nazi symbolism and characters.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak