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Mike Lindell Interview Interrupted By Hilarious Prankster: ‘Marginally Brain-Addled Corrupt Goofball’

No one is sure exactly who filmed himself [1] interrupting Mike Lindell’s television “zoom interview,” but whoever found himself in the right place at the right time, to give Lindell a few thoughts, is a hero in our mind right now.

We should also note that we appreciate that the joker didn’t say anything about Lindell’s past add1ctions. If he had, we would not use it, no matter how funny the rest might be. Mike Lindell, as recovering c*caine and crack add1ct, has likely helped more people reclaims their lives than he’s put to sleep as a pillow salesman. It is the one thing we like about Lindell and it’s the one thing that’s out of bonus in criticizing him.

But this was funny! While Lindell was giving a Zoom interview, he was approached by someone with a great sense of humor. According to Mediaite:

“I love you man!” the cameraman said, which prompted Lindell to tell him “I’m on TV right now.”

“I’m sorry about that! Keep fighting man,” 

Don’t let the libtards call you names! Don’t let them call you an ethically dubious pillow pusher. Don’t let them call you a marginally brain-addled corrupt goofball. Don’t let them call you names is what I’m saying. Be strong. Don’t let them push you around or call you names like completely clueless crazy old man who believes everything he sees on the internet.

“Pillow pusher?” We stand in awe. Some of us like to believe we have a way with words. but that one is quite an accomplishment and we’re more than just a little upset that we didn’t come up with it.

Nice job:


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak