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Trump Supporter Says JFK Jr. is Still Alive and Will Take Over the WH With Trump in 2021

One particularly staunch supporter of Donald Trump said in a recent interview that she believes he will re-take the White House in 2021 and that John F. Kennedy Jr. will be his vice president. Even though he died in a plane crash in 1999, Raw Story [1] notes.

The woman made this comment while being interviewed by The Good Liars [2] over the holiday weekend after being asked by Davram Stiefler about the “Trump-Kennedy 2021” T-Shirt she’s wearing.

“I think that JFK Jr. is still alive,” she says in the video, which was posted to social media.

“You think he’s still alive and he’s going to come back and be president with Trump this year?” Stiefler asks.

“There’s a lot of things that I think have happened,” the woman says. “And there’s some things I think I know and a lot of things I think I don’t.”

“And one thing you do know is that John F. Kennedy Jr. is still alive?” Stiefler responds, pressing her.

“That’s what I believe,” she responds.

As the video concludes, Stiefler can’t resist betting her $100 that Kennedy is not alive. (That’ll be an easy $100).

The theory that JFK Jr. is still alive has caught on with QAnon conspiracy believers and many have taken to suggesting [3] that Kennedy has been seen at Trump rallies.

Why these people choose to believe this is beyond me, but it’s stupid — for two reasons, the first one being, of course, the man is unquestionably 100 percent dead. The second is, that like his father John F. Kennedy, JFK Jr. would almost certainly be a Democrat.

Do QAnoniacs have too much time on their hands? Is that what this is about? You put ’em all in a room together, or they hop on social media and the crazy comes out?

I’m posting the video below, along with Twitter responses, because yep, people had some thoughts.


