Politics - News Analysis

Top Conservative Says Melania Trump is Still His First Lady, Not Jill Biden…and It Doesn’t Go Well for Him

Melania didn’t need to tell us on a jacket that she didn’t care. We didn’t need tapes from Stephanie Winston-Wolkoff to hear about “fock Christmas, who cares about Christmas?” We weren’t even all that surprised to learn that Melania refused to move into the White House until they fully renovated the bathroom in the residence (my god, that sooo smacks of “I’m not undressing where those black people undressed”). No, we didn’t need any of it to understand that Melania cared about Melania, period.

Think about the two things that really animated Melania, those two things upon which she really wanted to be heard. She would angrily call out the media for any coverage that wasn’t glowing, and we mean glowing. She angrily blamed reporters for having a bias against her when really, she expected a bias for her, nothing less was acceptable. Second, Melania went nuts anyone brought up her background, whether it was her immigration situation or whether she worked in some capacity as a sex worker. We have always noted that she had it completely backward. Had she talked about her difficulties as an immigrant, trying to make it in a ruthless modeling world, and doing what she could to survive, we wouldn’t mock it, we’d respect her that much more.

But she never did any of that. She cared about Melania.

Conservatives didn’t care though. See Melania was white. And despite her past risqué photos, was immediately deemed as “classy”, the second coming of Jackie Kennedy.

Terrence Williams, one of the top black sycophants for Donald Trump even declared on Twitter, “Melania Trump is my First Lady!”

Uh, no pal, she’s not.

Terrence is quite the fan of Melania, and his timeline is filled with videos of his devotion:

It goes on and on.

But we have news for Terrence. Dr. Jill Biden is his First Lady.

Jill Biden cares about everyone and everything with the possible exception of what her critics think. The media has already noticed the difference, though that isn’t particularly hard. One could start with the fact that Jill smiles and seems to really enjoy other people, giving of herself, and we also know that we’ve seen Jill look drop-dead gorgeous as First Lady rocking some jeans, sneakers, and a big sweater. Making plenty of 30-year-old men weak-kneed.

Jill’s causes are every bit as serious as one might expect. (We need to pause here to say again that we fully believe that Melania had a perfect cause, cyber-bullying was the right cause at the right time. But she failed to get traction because of her husband and because “Be Best” morphed into whatever she wanted it to mean that day. Melania’s problem wasn’t her original cause.) As one might expect, Jill has drawn upon a lifetime of experience and love to set out a few areas in which she wants to work. From MSN:

The first is building support for military families, a community that she knew well as mother of the late Beau, who went to Iraq with the US National Guard. The second strand is promoting support for cancer patients and research — a topic that Beau’s death from brain cancer in 2015 seared into the Biden family identity. The third draws on her lifelong career in education. Biden was marking student papers right through her husband’s tense presidential campaign and she makes history as a first lady with a paying job beyond the White House walls.

Fantastic, and unlike Melania, it feels like Jill won’t need cameras around to pour her heart out into these endeavors. We know because she’s already spent a lifetime working on these things.

We need not compare the two, the women speak for themselves. We will stay positive and speak of Jill. She is her own woman and has never been one to rely upon her station in life to define herself. She is relatable. Most mothers nowadays work, or at least return to work if it is something that they enjoy. Most spouses lift up their other spouse in any situation. To us, Jill seems like the type who would be just as happy if Joe was a highly successful high school teacher, it wouldn’t change her causes, nor how she goes about her day. She would be just as proud of Joe and he of her. They are just so madly in love it’s … it’s wonderful.

And Twitter, for the most part, agreed with us:


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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