Politics - News Analysis

Eric Trump Asks Twitter a Question So Stupid That All People Can Do is Laugh, ‘Yes Eric, Your Father is That Bad!’

One thing that the Trumps fundamentally do not understand is just how polarizing Donald Trump made himself. This is on him. Trump never once reached out to unify everyone. Instead, he hardened and hardened a base that created this faux reality that the Trumps fully believed represented the entire nation. Of course, it did not.

They had rally after rally and the MAGA heads soaked it up. They loved it and him. It certainly became a cult that created a shell around them. Fox fed them the love and facts that were intentionally molded for his pleasure. Trump did not invite opponents to the White House, or at least he rarely did, and never after Nancy let him have it by letting Trump know he’s not fooling anyone; “With you, all roads lead to Russia.” So, as we’ve said, the Trumps created a reality in which Junior became an author, Eric became a regular guest as an analyst, even the women that weren’t immediate family joined that shell with Lara forming her own thing and Kimberly ended up screaming at the Republican National Convention.

This is their reality, everyone loves them. They fundamentally didn’t understand that, while many did love him, even more, were turned off by all the antics and failures.

So when Eric asks if anyone really believes that Biden got so many more votes by sitting in his basement while Trump basked in the love that was already there, he didn’t realize that yes – it is easy to believe because people understood why Biden mostly stayed in for two reasons, A) he was setting an example, B) Sun Tzu, never get in the way when the enemy is killing itself.

Oh no, no no no. Here it comes:


Now watch below how the rally shell works. These people really believe rallies equal votes and support, see below:




Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak

meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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