Politics - News Analysis

Trump Rages Tweets About Robert Mueller, Suggests Jail For Anyone Who Investigates Him

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday to apparently circulate a call for the jailing of those who investigate him, including Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Trump usually tweets like this when bad news is coming.

“These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail. What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented,” Trump wrote, quoting conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh.

“This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup.”

Trump’s tweet came hours after House Intelligence chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there’s “evidence in plain sight” that Trump colluded with Russia.

“All of this is evidence of collusion, and you either have to look the other way to say it isn’t or you have to have a different word for it, because it is a corrupt dealing with a foreign adversary during a campaign,” Schiff told CNN’s Dana Bash.

Trump wasn’t done.

Trump then tweeted, “The Mueller investigation is totally conflicted, illegal and rigged! Should never have been allowed to begin, except for the Collusion and many crimes committed by the Democrats. Witch Hunt!”

Twitter was quick to react:


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