Politics - News Analysis

WATCH: Trump Just Shamefully Belittled Black CNN Reporter: ‘What A Stupid Question’

President Trump stopped on the White House lawn on Friday to talk with reporters. During the gaggle, the president continued his recently intensified attacks against CNN reporters. President Trump responded to a question from CNN’s Abby Phillip by calling it “stupid.”

In the wake of the president’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General, a move many have said is unconstitutional, there are renewed concerns about the president’s possible interest in curtailing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Phillip asked the president on Friday, “Do you want [Whitaker] to rein in Robert Mueller?”

President Trump responded insultingly, “What a stupid question that is.” He added, “What a stupid question.” The president continued insulting Phillip saying, “But I watch you a lot.” He added, “You ask a lot of stupid questions.” While the president was happy to insult Phillip, he was entirely uninterested in answering her question. He turned and walked away instead of giving a response to the question beyond the insults. Reporters shouted questions as the president walked away.

The insults came as the president has recently intensified his attacks against CNN and CNN reporters. On Wednesday, the White House pulled CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s press credentials, essentially barring him from the White House.

Acosta engaged in a heated interaction with the president during his rambling press conference on Wednesday. The White House claims he touched a White House aide who was grabbing the microphone out of his hand as he tried to ask the president a question. Video of the incident clearly demonstrates that Acosta did no such thing. In an attempt to support their false narrative, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders shared an edited video, created by InfoWars that claims to show Acosta touching the aide. Sanders use of the InfoWars video is clear propaganda being used to undermine the media and mislead the public.



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