Politics - News Analysis

Trump Tells Americans: Don’t Think About The Troops Who Can’t Spend Thanksgiving At Home

As he headed south to Mar-a-Lago for Thanksgiving on Wednesday, Donald Trump dismissed concern over U.S. troops stationed at the Mexican border over the holiday.

“Oh, don’t worry about the Thanksgiving..these are tough people,” Trump said, addressing a gaggle of reporters as he left the White House. “They know what they’re doing and they’re great, they’ve done a great job. You’re so worried about the Thanksgiving holiday for them.

“They are so proud to be representing our country on the border…”, Trump said.

The special holiday message came when ABC News’ Karen Travers asked the president about the troops stationed at the U.S.-Mexico border, ostensibly to protect against the so-called caravan of migrants.

Asked if he was afraid to visit a war zone like Afghanistan, Trump responded, “No, I’m going to a war zone.” He didn’t provide details.

Trump came under fire for his decision to skip a planned visit to an American military cemetery in France last weekend to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, a decision he blamed on poor weather. He later expressed regret for not visiting Arlington National Cemetery to mark Veterans Day upon his return to the U.S.

Unlike his two immediate predecessors, Trump has not visited American troops in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Top officials at the Defense Department reportedly objected to Trump’s decision to deploy more than 5,000 active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border just before the midterm elections, a move he said was designed to deter a migrant caravan traveling from Central America.



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